CopyFromIndexCommand Properties


IgnoreCase This read-only property determines whether to search for index keys case-insensitively
IsAttribute This read-only property determines if the source nodes are added to the target as attributes or as child elements.
Key This read-only property returns the key XPath expression
MissingEntry This is used to get or set the message level for missing index entries
MissingSource This is used to get or set the message level for missing source entries
MissingTarget This is used to get or set the message level for missing target entries
ParentComponent This read-only property returns the parent component
(Inherited from CopyCommand)
Source This read-only property returns the XPath expression used to get the source elements
(Inherited from CopyCommand)
SourceIndex This read-only property returns the source index
Target This read-only property returns the XPath expression used to get the target element to which the source elements are copied
(Inherited from CopyCommand)

See Also