AttributeOfType | This is used to retrieve the first attribute of the given type from an API element's attributes node. |
FollowingSiblings | Return all following sibling elements that optionally match the given element's name |
FormatSignedEnumValue | Format a signed enumeration value using the given options |
FormatUnsignedEnumValue | Format an unsigned enumeration value using the given options |
GenerateUniqueId | This is used to generate a unique ID for an XML node |
InsertWordBreakOpportunities | Insert word break opportunities into HTML text to allow better word wrapping when the text container is narrow like the Table of Contents pane. |
NormalizeWhiteSpace | Normalize whitespace in a string by replacing consecutive runs of whitespace with a single space and removing leading and trailing whitespace. |
PrecedingSiblings | Return all preceding sibling elements that optionally match the given element's name |
RemoveNamespaces | Remove namespaces from an element and all of its descendants including attributes |
ToBoolean | This converts an attribute value to a Boolean value. If not present, blank, or invalid, it returns false. |
ToIndent | This is used to convert the given size to an indent consisting of two non-breaking spaces for each indent level. |