ApiTopicSectionType Enumeration
This enumerated type defines the sections that are rendered in an API topic
Namespace: Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyle.TransformationAssembly: Sandcastle.Core (in Sandcastle.Core.dll) Version: 2024.9.12.0
public enum ApiTopicSectionType
Public Enumeration ApiTopicSectionType
public enum class ApiTopicSectionType
type ApiTopicSectionType
Section order may vary from one presentation style to another and may be customized by plug-ins
Notices | 0 |
The notices such as the preliminary API and obsolete warnings
Summary | 1 |
The summary section.
InheritanceHierarchyAbbreviated | 2 |
The abbreviated inheritance hierarchy.
NamespaceAndAssemblyInfo | 3 |
Namespace and assembly information.
SyntaxSection | 4 |
The syntax section.
MemberList | 5 |
A member list based on the topic type (root, root group, namespace group, namespace, enumeration,
type, or type members).
Events | 6 |
The events section.
Exceptions | 7 |
The exceptions section.
Remarks | 8 |
The remarks section.
Examples | 9 |
The examples section.
Platforms | 10 |
The platforms section (reserved for future use).
Versions | 11 |
The versions section.
Permissions | 12 |
The permissions section.
ThreadSafety | 13 |
The thread safety section.
RevisionHistory | 14 |
The revision history section.
Bibliography | 15 |
The bibliography section.
SeeAlso | 16 |
The See Also section.
InheritanceHierarchyFull | 17 |
The full inheritance hierarchy.
CustomSection | 18 |
A custom section.