AllSystemTypesRedirected |
This is used to get or set whether or not all System types are redirected to other assemblies
Obsolete. |
AssemblyLocations | This read-only property returns a bindable list of assembly locations |
BindingRedirections | This read-only property returns a bindable list of binding redirections used for building the reflection data. |
CoreFrameworkLocation | This read-only property is used to get the core framework location if there is one |
Filename | This is used to get or set the filename |
IgnoredNamespaces | This read-only property returns a bindable list of ignored namespaces used for building the reflection data. |
IgnoredUnresolved | This read-only property returns a bindable list of ignored unresolved assembly identities used for building the reflection data. |
IncludedAssemblies | This read-only property returns an enumerable list of all included assemblies in the reflection data set. |
IsCoreFramework | This read-only property is used to determine if this entry represents a core framework |
IsPresent | This read-only property can be used to determine if the reflection data set's core assemblies are present on the current system |
Notes | This is used to get or set notes about this reflection data set |
Platform | This is used to get or set the platform associated with the reflection data set |
Title | This is used to get or set the reflection data set title |
Version | This is used to get or set the version number associated with the reflection data set if applicable |