BuildActionEnumConverter Class

This is used to limit which values are available to properties using BuildAction as their underlying type.


Namespace: SandcastleBuilder.Utils.Design
Assembly: SandcastleBuilder.Utils (in SandcastleBuilder.Utils.dll) Version: 2024.12.21.0
public sealed class BuildActionEnumConverter : EnumConverter
Object    TypeConverter    EnumConverter    BuildActionEnumConverter



CanConvertFrom(Type)Returns whether this converter can convert an object of the given type to the type of this converter.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext, Type)Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object in the given source type to an enumeration object using the specified context.
(Inherited from EnumConverter)
CanConvertTo(Type)Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
CanConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, Type)Gets a value indicating whether this converter can convert an object to the given destination type using the context.
(Inherited from EnumConverter)
ConvertFrom(Object)Converts the given value to the type of this converter.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object)Converts the specified value object to an enumeration object.
(Inherited from EnumConverter)
ConvertFromInvariantString(String)Converts the given string to the type of this converter, using the invariant culture.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertFromInvariantString(ITypeDescriptorContext, String)Converts the given string to the type of this converter, using the invariant culture and the specified context.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertFromString(String)Converts the specified text to an object.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertFromString(ITypeDescriptorContext, String)Converts the given text to an object, using the specified context.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertFromString(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, String)Converts the given text to an object, using the specified context and culture information.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertTo(Object, Type)Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object, Type)Converts the given value object to the specified destination type.
(Inherited from EnumConverter)
ConvertToInvariantString(Object)Converts the specified value to a culture-invariant string representation.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertToInvariantString(ITypeDescriptorContext, Object)Converts the specified value to a culture-invariant string representation, using the specified context.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertToString(Object)Converts the specified value to a string representation.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertToString(ITypeDescriptorContext, Object)Converts the given value to a string representation, using the given context.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
ConvertToString(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object)Converts the given value to a string representation, using the specified context and culture information.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
CreateInstance(IDictionary)Re-creates an Object given a set of property values for the object.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
CreateInstance(ITypeDescriptorContext, IDictionary)Creates an instance of the type that this TypeConverter is associated with, using the specified context, given a set of property values for the object.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetCreateInstanceSupported()Returns whether changing a value on this object requires a call to the CreateInstance(IDictionary) method to create a new value.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
GetCreateInstanceSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext)Returns whether changing a value on this object requires a call to CreateInstance(IDictionary) to create a new value, using the specified context.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetProperties(Object)Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext, Object)Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter, using the specified context.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext, Object, Attribute[])Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter, using the specified context and attributes.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
GetPropertiesSupported()Returns whether this object supports properties.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
GetPropertiesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext)Returns whether this object supports properties, using the specified context.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
GetStandardValues()Returns a collection of standard values from the default context for the data type this type converter is designed for.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext)Gets a collection of standard values for the data type this validator is designed for.
(Overrides EnumConverter.GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext))
GetStandardValuesExclusive()Returns whether the collection of standard values returned from GetStandardValues() is an exclusive list.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
GetStandardValuesExclusive(ITypeDescriptorContext)Gets a value indicating whether the list of standard values returned from GetStandardValues() is an exclusive list using the specified context.
(Inherited from EnumConverter)
GetStandardValuesSupported()Returns whether this object supports a standard set of values that can be picked from a list.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
GetStandardValuesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext)Gets a value indicating whether this object supports a standard set of values that can be picked from a list using the specified context.
(Inherited from EnumConverter)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
IsValid(Object)Returns whether the given value object is valid for this type.
(Inherited from TypeConverter)
IsValid(ITypeDescriptorContext, Object)Gets a value indicating whether the given object value is valid for this type.
(Inherited from EnumConverter)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also