Version 2014.12.20.0

Release notes for version 2014.12.20.0.

Breaking Changes

If you have custom presentation styles or use the ESent or SQL Server cached data components, the following breaking changes will affect them.

  • Updated the BuildAssembler configuration files to use framework-specific folders for the reflection data. This will prevent all of the "unknown reference link" warnings caused by members of the different frameworks not present in the old reflection data which was only for the core .NET Framework. It also allows for only the framework-specific base class members to be included on the member list pages.

    If you have custom presentation styles, you will need to update your BuildAssembler configuration files by replacing the Data\Reflection path with the substitution tag as follows: {@FrameworkReflectionDataFolder}.

  • Updated the ESent and SQL data cache build components to use the new framework-specific folder locations for reference link target data. If you use any of these components, you must delete them from the project, add them back, and configure them in order for the updated configuration to take effect.

Help File Builder

  • Fixed a bug in the MPF code that caused renaming files using the Solution Explorer to add a new file under the new name and keep the old file thus causing source control to get confused and think there was a duplicate file.

  • Encoded component paths written to the BuildAssembler configuration files to allow for paths containing XML entities such as the ampersand.

  • Fixed ComponentUtilities.ToolsFolder so that it always prefers the executing assembly location over SHFBROOT unless running under Visual Studio. This allows for a local project version of the help file builder tools to correctly take precedence over the installed version.

  • Fixed a couple of incorrect syntax generator IDs that caused the F# namespaces to not be included for the build component namespace filter and the AddXamlSyntaxData.xsl transform to be omitted when transforming the reflection data when the XAML Usage syntax generator was included.

  • Added code to ignore TypeLoadException when searching for MEF component assemblies. That should prevent it from failing if an assembly for an different framework version is found during the search.

  • Added informational tool tips and Go To Definition support for various MAML and XML comments elements to help with navigation while editing XML comments and MAML topics in Visual Studio. Thanks to Noah Richards for his Go To Definition example package on which the core of the keyboard and mouse processor handlers is based. See the Go To Definition Support topic for details and information on limitations.

  • Added options to the Sandcastle Help File Builder options page in Visual Studio to allow enabling and disabling of the extended XML comments completion and Go To Definition features. This allows you to turn them off if you do not want to use them or if you think they may be causing problems.

Presentation Styles

  • Breaking Change - Updated the BuildAssembler configuration files to use framework-specific folders for the reflection data. This will prevent all of the "unknown reference link" warnings caused by members of the different frameworks not present in the old reflection data which was only for the core .NET Framework. It also allows for only the framework-specific base class members to be included on the member list pages.

    If you have custom presentation styles, you will need to update your BuildAssembler configuration files by replacing the Data\Reflection path with a path to a specific framework (i.e. Data\.NETFramework). If using the Sandcastle Help File Builder, replace the reference with the substitution tag as follows: {@FrameworkReflectionDataFolder}.

  • Removed the GUID check for link IDs in the VS2010 and VS2013 presentation styles to allow for non-GUID target IDs.

  • Fixed the VS2010 and VS2013 presentation styles so that a space is maintained after language-specific text in Help 1 and MS Help Viewer content where needed.


  • Added "put_" prefix exclusion to the MRefBuilder API filter to exclude property put methods generated in Windows Store/Phone assemblies.

  • Updated Frameworks.xml with some missing reference assembly information for the .NET Portable 4.5 and 4.6 frameworks.

BuildAssembler and Build Components

  • Added code to ignore TypeLoadException when searching for MEF component assemblies. That should prevent it from failing if an assembly for a different framework version is found during the search.

  • Fixed the XAML Usage syntax generator so that it excludes unwanted types correctly and includes XAML information correctly on types.

  • Updated the reflection data generation script and project to allow generation of reflection data for each framework type.

  • Generated reflection data for each of the specific frameworks (.NETFramework, .NETCore, .NETPortable, .NETMicroFramework, Silverlight, WindowsPhone, and WindowsPhoneApp).


  • Updated the XML comments guide ID Strings topic with expanded information on operator overload ID strings.

See Also

Other Resources