Reflection Data Manager Tool

This tool is used to create reflection data set definition files for the various .NET frameworks and to build the reflection information files used by the other Sandcastle tools. Reflection data set definition files have an extension of .reflection.

Command Line Parameters

This tool can be executed from the command line to build reflection information for a given framework version. If no command line parameters are specified, a form will open that allows you to load and edit reflection data set files and build them interactively. The following parameters are available.


Required. Specify the platform to use for the build. This should be one of the well-known platform type IDs: .NETCore, .NETFramework, .NETMicroFramework, .NETPortable, Silverlight, WindowsPhone, or WindowsPhoneApp


Optional. Specify the version to use for the build. If not specified, the most recent version for the specified platform is used. Typically, this should be omitted so that the reflection data is generated off of the most recent version available.


Optional. Specify one or more additional paths to search for reflection data set files if necessary in a comma-separated list. By default, the tools folder and the common application data folder are searched for reflection data set files automatically. Use this option to specify a path containing a file not found in one of those standard locations such as a definition file for a new framework version.

Example Usage
ReflectionDataManager.exe /platform:.NETFramework /version:4.6

Interactive Mode

When ran with no command line parameters, a form will open that allows you to load and edit reflection data set definition files. By default, the form is set up to create a new file. The following menu options are available:

  • New - Clear any currently loaded reflection data set definition file settings and create a brand new file.

  • Open - Open an existing reflection data set definition file.

  • Save - Save the current reflection data set definition file.

  • Save As - Save the current reflection data set definition file to a new name.

  • Build Reflection Data - Build the reflection information for the currently loaded reflection data set definition file. See the Building Reflection Data section below for more information.

Reflection Data Set Definition Options

The reflection data set definition consists of the following information:

  • Platform ID - Select the platform ID with which the definition is associated. This will be one of the standard platform type IDs: .NETCore, .NETFramework, .NETMicroFramework, .NETPortable, Silverlight, WindowsPhone, or WindowsPhoneApp. These match the target framework identifier property values used in related Visual Studio project files.

  • Version ID - Enter the framework version with which the definition file is associated. These match the target framework version values used in related Visual Studio project files.

  • Title - Enter a title for the definition file that uniquely identifies it. This is used by build tools such as the Sandcastle Help File Builder to offer a list of framework versions to use when building documentation projects.

  • Notes - If necessary, enter any notes about the definition file that may be useful to those using it. It can be left blank.

  • Assembly Locations - The most important part of the definition file are the assembly locations. The bottom half of the form allows you to add one or more locations that will be searched for assemblies and their related XML comments files.

    Click the Add button to add a new framework location. Enter a path in the Assembly Location text box or use the "..." button to select a path. Once you select a path or tab out of the text box, the list of available assemblies will be loaded into the list box. The path can contain environment variables such as ProgramFiles(x86). Any such variables will be resolved when searching for assemblies and comments files. Only the given path is searched. Any subfolders it contains are not searched. If necessary, subfolders can be added as additional locations.

    Each assembly is preceded by a checkbox. If checked, the given assembly is included in the definition set. If unchecked, the assembly will be ignored and will not be parsed to generate reflection information. This is useful if the folder contains unmanaged assemblies or managed assemblies that contain no useful information. If editing an existing file and new assemblies have been added to the folder or old ones removed, clicking the Refresh button will update the list based on the assemblies that currently exist in the specified folder.

    To remove an assembly location, click the Remove button. To navigate between location entries, use the Previous and Next buttons.

Building Reflection Data


Reflection data set definition files should be saved into a folder that will be used to contain the related reflection information generated by building it. The folder can contain multiple definition files if they are for different versions of the same platform. For example, all of the .NETFramework definition files are grouped into a folder along with the reflection data for the latest version.

The build process will delete any existing .xml files from the folder containing the definition file being built and will copy the new reflection information files to the same location.

When the Build Reflection Data option is chosen, a new form opens. From there, you can define some additional build parameters and generate the reflection information files. The build parameters are as follows:

  • Ignored Namespaces - Use this section to enter a list of ignored namespaces. Any namespace in this list will be omitted from the generated reflection information. This is useful for omitting namespaces that contain no useful public types.

  • Ignored Unresolved Assembly Identities - Use this section to enter the identities of assemblies that cannot be resolved and should be ignored when generating reflection information. Enter only the name part of the identity (i.e. Microsoft.Windows.Design.Extensibility).

  • Binding Redirections - Use this section to enter assembly binding redirections to allow resolving of assemblies that reference a different version than the one available. Enter the information from the assembly's strong name. The Name part is required along with the Old Version to be redirected and the New Version to use in its place. The Culture will default to neutral if not specified. The Public Key Token will default to null if not specified.

To add an entry, select the blank row at the end and start typing in the values. To delete an entry, click on the row header and hit the Delete key.

Click the Build button to generate the reflection information files. The build progress is shown in the text box in the lower half of the form. Once finished, you will find the reflection information files in the same location as the definition file.

See Also

Other Resources