EWSoftware.PDI.Objects Namespace

Personal Data Interchange object classes developed by Eric Woodruff.


CalendarObject This is the common abstract base class for all calendar related PDI objects
ObservanceRule This class represents an observance rule component (STANDARD or DAYLIGHT) that can appear in a VTIMEZONE calendar component.
ObservanceRuleCollection A type-safe collection of ObservanceRule objects
RecurringObject This is an abstract base class from which recurring calendar objects are derived. It defines a common set of properties and methods used to resolve an object to one or more dates based on the combination of recurrence rules, recurrence dates, exception rules, and exception dates.
VAlarm This class represents a VALARM component that can appear in a calendar
VAlarmCollection A type-safe collection of VAlarm objects
VCalendar This class is used to represent a vCalendar or iCalendar object
VCard This class is used to represent a vCard object. This serves as an electronic business card containing name, address, contact information, etc.
VCardCollection A type-safe collection of VCard objects
VEvent This class represents a VEVENT component that can appear in a calendar
VEventCollection A type-safe collection of VEvent objects
VFreeBusy This class represents a VFREEBUSY component that can appear in a calendar
VFreeBusyCollection A type-safe collection of VFreeBusy objects
VJournal This class represents a VJOURNAL component that can appear in a calendar
VJournalCollection A type-safe collection of VJournal objects
VNote This class is used to represent a vNote object. This serves as an electronic note that can be transmitted between devices.
VNoteCollection A type-safe collection of VNote objects
VTimeZone This class represents a VTIMEZONE component that can appear in a calendar
VTimeZoneCollection A type-safe collection of VTimeZone objects
VToDo This class represents a VTODO component that can appear in a calendar
VToDoCollection A type-safe collection of VToDo objects


ObservanceRuleType This enumerated type defines the type of time zone observance rules for the ObservanceRule class.