Version 2018.12.1.0

Release notes for version 2018.12.1.0.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the VTimeZoneCollection.Lock property. Use the new AcquireReaderLock, ReleaseReaderLock, AcquireWriterLock, and ReleaseWriterLock methods instead

  • Updated DateUtils.FromISO8601String so that if the date parts are outside the expected year, month, and/or day ranges, it adjusts them to the minimum/maximum automatically rather than throwing an exception. This may change the behavior of your application if it expects it to throw an exception in these cases.

  • Updated the Windows Forms controls and demos so that they look better on high DPI displays. This may affect the layout of the controls in your forms if you make use of them.

Other Changes in This Release

  • Updated the EWSoftware.PDI and EWSoftware.PDI.Data projects to support .NET Standard 2.0. The NuGet packages now target .NET 4.0 and later and .NET Standard 2.0. All assembly projects have been updated to use the new .NET SDK project format to make it easier to generate the NuGet packages. The EWSoftare.PDI.Web.Controls and EWSoftware.PDI.Windows.Forms projects only target .NET 4.0 as in prior releases.

  • Fixed up various code analysis issues and updated the code to use the latest language features throughout the code base.

  • Updated the PDIDatesTest, PDIParserTest, and RFC2445RecurTest demo console applications to be .NET Core 2.1 applications.

  • Updated all Windows Forms and web applications to use .NET 4.7.2 and enabled high DPI support in the Windows Forms applications.

  • Added EWSoftware.PDI.WinForms.Design.csproj to allow updating the Windows Forms controls in the native Windows Forms designer. The EWSoftware.PDI.WinForms.csproj project now uses the newer .NET SDK project format and is used to build the NuGet package. This format does not currently support updating the Windows Forms user controls in the designer.