
Version was released on February 21st, 2011.

Changes in This Release

  • Updated the definitionTable, list, and table topics to note that text in the definition, listItem, and entry elements should be contained in a para element. The topics in the MAML guide have been updated to reflect this schema rule.

  • Converted the project to use the new Sandcastle Help File Builder project format.

  • Updated references to the latest release of Sandcastle (June 2010) and fixed a few typos.

  • Added a topic on integrating the Sandcastle MAML schema files into the Visual Studio global schema cache to provide IntelliSense for MAML topics while editing them in Visual Studio.

  • Added a topic on making the Sandcastle MAML schemas extensible for third-party build component elements. This information was supplied by Immo Landwerth.

See Also

Other Resources