
Version was released on August 19th, 2008.

Breaking Changes

The following event handler delegates have been removed. Use the noted .NET 2.0 generic event handler syntax instead:

  • ChangePolicyEventHandler - Replace with EventHandler<ChangePolicyEventArgs>.

  • DataNavigatorEventHandler - Replace with EventHandler<DataNavigatorEventArgs>.

  • DataNavigatorCancelEventHandler - Replace with EventHandler<DataNavigatorCancelEventArgs>.

  • DataListEventHandler - Replace with EventHandler<DataListEventArgs>.

  • DataListCancelEventHandler - Replace with EventHandler<DataListCancelEventArgs>.

  • DataListBeginDragEventHandler - Replace with EventHandler<DataListBeginDragEventArgs>.

  • ItemCheckStateEventHandler - Replace with EventHandler<ItemCheckStateEventArgs>.

Changes in This Release

  • Added a new ExtendedTreeView control.

  • Added the following DataGridView column controls in the EWSoftware.ListControls.DataGridViewControls namespace:

    • AutoCompleteTextBoxColumn - A textbox column that exposes the textbox's auto-complete properties.

    • ImageListColumn - A column that displays an image from an image list based on the cell's underlying value. The cells are also editable and can cycle through the images/values when clicked or space is pressed.

    • IndicatorColumn - A column that displays a set of images from an image list. Each image can represent an on/off state for a value at the given index. Events are supplied to notify you when an image is clicked or digits 0 through 9 are pressed so that you can take action or edit the underlying value.

    • MultiColumnComboBoxColumn - A column in which the cells contain a MultiColumnComboBox edit control.

    • RatingColumn - A column in which the cells display a set of images (stars by default) that represent a rating similar to the one found in Windows Media Player.

    • UserControlComboBoxColumn - A column in which the cells contain a UserControlComboBox edit control.

  • Changed the base class on CheckedIndicesCollection and CheckedItemsCollection to ReadOnlyCollection<T>.

  • The MultiColumnComboBox.ColumnFilter property now uses a StringCollection type derived from Collection<T>.

  • Fixed the MultiColumnDropDown and UserControlDropDown so that they take into account the working area of all screens when positioning the dropdown.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the DataList to crash if it was clicked prior to setting the row template.

  • Fixed a bug in the DataList that caused it to behave incorrectly if bound to a child data source and a row was added or deleted from the parent data source.

  • Fixed the combo box controls so that they clear the selected index when in DropDown or Simple mode when Backspace or Delete is hit.

  • Fixed a bug in BaseButtonList that caused scrollbars to appear unnecessarily under certain conditions when LayoutMethod was set to AcrossThenDown or DownThenAcross.

  • Pressing F4 will now show and hide the drop-down in the combo box controls.

  • The DisplayMember and ValueMember properties of the list controls are now case-insensitive with regard to the member name specified.

  • Added DisplayTextOf and ToDisplayTextString to the CheckedItemsCollection to get the display text of an item in the collection and to convert the checked items to a comma-separated list of their display text values.

  • The following properties were added to the CheckBoxList control:

    • BindingMembersDataSource - This allows you to specify a data source used for data binding each checkbox in the list.

    • BindingMembersBindingContext - This allows you to specify a binding context for the binding members data source.

    • BindingMembers - This allows you to specify a list of members in the binding members data source to be used for data binding each checkbox in the list.

    See the CheckBoxList and RadioButtonList Tutorial for more information.

  • The Find method in BaseListControl was changed so that if not bound to a data source with a ValueMember, (i.e. strings stored in the items collection), it searches the item text for the specified key.

  • The ButtonPanel property on BaseButtonList has been made public so that it is easier to access the button controls to modify their appearance based on conditions in a SubControlsRefreshed event handler.

  • The default event for the CheckBoxList control was changed to ItemCheckStateChanged which is more useful for it.

  • Support for the AutoSize and AutoSizeMode properties was added to BaseButtonList.

  • The LayoutMethod and ListPadding properties for the checkbox list and radio button list now appear in the Layout category to group them with the properties to which they relate.

See Also

Other Resources