
Version was released on December 20th, 2005.

Breaking Changes

  • The Padding class and the Padding property on the BaseButtonList class have been renamed ListPadding to avoid a conflict with the new .NET 2.0 Padding class. This change affects the RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList controls.

  • The BorderStyle property and BorderStyleChanged event were removed from the BaseComboBox class. The drawing style is now determined by the FlatStyle property to be consistent with the standard .NET combo box control. This change affects the MultiColumnComboBox and UserControlComboBox controls.

  • The TemplateControl.ChangePolicyModified method now has no parameter. It was redundant to pass it the values as it can simply look at the allow additions/edits/deletions properties on its parent.

Other Changes in This Release

  • Fixed a problem with the MultiColumnComboBox that could cause it to access its drop-down after it was disposed due to changes being committed to bound controls during the drop-down process.

  • Fixed the UserControlDropDown so that the parent form always regains the focus when it is modal.

  • Fixed the DataList so that when you tab into it and there are no rows, the new row template gains the focus.

  • Fixed mnemonic processing so that when the DataList does not have the focus it processes mnemonics in the selected row rather than the first row. If the selected row does not handle the mnemonic, then the header and footer controls are given a chance to handle it if they have been defined.

  • Fixed mnemonic processing within the row template so that focus goes to the control in the current row template rather than the next row when the focus is past the control associated with the mnemonic.

  • Suppressed scaling of row templates in the DataList control to prevent issues with odd sizing behavior when the data list is bound before the form becomes visible and the form was developed on a system using large fonts but runs on a system using small fonts and vice versa.

  • Added the property IsUndoing to the DataList control. Row templates can check this to see if they need to suppress event handlers such as SelectedIndexChanged when changes are being canceled.

  • Added code to clear the data bindings in all controls when a template is disposed. It would appear that data bindings hang around after disposal and can cause problems due to accessing disposed controls when data is written to the data source under certain circumstances.

  • Added an AutoEllipsis property to ClickableLabel to allow displaying text without wrapping it. This is similar to the identically named property in the .NET 2.0 label control that has a similar purpose.

  • Added data source indexers to the AutoCompleteComboBox to make it consistent with the other controls in the library.

  • Added support for the RightToLeft property to the MultiColumnComboBox and UserControlComboBox controls.

  • The MultiColumnComboBox and UserControlComboBox controls now draw using the current Windows XP theme if the application supports themes and the FlatStyle property is set to Standard or System. In addition, the Flat and Popup styles now match the flat drawing style of the .NET 2.0 combo box control.

  • Several changes have been implemented to make the development of row templates simpler, to minimize the chances of making some of the common errors, and to greatly reduce the amount of code that you need to write. See the DataList control tutorial for more information on the following changes:

    • Added a new SharedDataSources property to the DataList control. This can be used to hold common data sources shared amongst all template instances for controls that they contain such as combo boxes. This saves having to add static properties and code to the template to maintain the shared data sources as in past versions.

    • Added a new overloaded AddBinding method to TemplateControl to make it simpler to create data bindings on controls. You no longer have to clear each control's bindings and then recreate them as the AddBinding method will do it for you. Overloads are given to add additional bindings to the same control and to add bindings with Parse and/or Format event handlers.

    • Added a DeleteRow method to TemplateControl to make it easier to delete the row related to the template.

See Also

Other Resources