
Version was released on December 31st, 2004.

Changes in This Release

Made significant improvements to the Windows Forms Image Map control and the Coordinate Editor.

  • Windows Forms Control Changes

    • Added a FocusedArea property to the ImageMap control that can be used to set or get the index of the image area that has the focus.

    • Added a MouseArea property to the ImageMap control that can be used to get the index of the image area containing the mouse.

    • Added a new ellipse image area (ImageAreaEllipse). This saves you from having to use a polygon to define elliptical shapes.

    • Added a DoubleClick event to the ImageMap control to allow the handling of double-clicks on image areas.

    • The following events were added to the ImageAreaBase class. The ImageMap control will forward these events to the appropriate image areas so that you can have finer control over the events in each image area rather than having one generic handler for the matching ImageMap control events.

      • Click - Mouse clicked in the image area.

      • DoubleClick - Mouse double-clicked in the image area.

      • MouseDown - Mouse button pressed in the image area.

      • MouseUp - Mouse button released in the image area.

      • MouseEnter - Mouse entered the image area.

      • MouseLeave - Mouse left the image area.

      • MouseHover - Mouse is hovering over the image area.

      • MouseMove - Mouse moved in the image area.

      • Enter - The image area gained focus.

      • Leave - The image area lost focus.

    • Added an OwnerDraw property to the image map and image area classes so that you can control drawing of the image map and/or individual image areas. Changes for this also include the addition of a DrawState enumerated type, a DrawImage event, and a DrawImageEventArgs class.

    • As they may now be useful in owner drawn mode, the image map Font, ForeColor, and RightToLeft properties have been exposed along with the image map FontChanged, ForeColorChanged, and RightToLeftChanged events.

    • A BoundingRectangle property was added to the Windows Forms ImageAreaPolygon class to help with owner draw operations.

  • Designer Changes

    • Added a set of buttons to shift the image area in any direction to help with positioning adjustments.

    • Added two sets of buttons to allow the size of a rectangle, circle, or ellipse image area to be increased or decreased to help with adjustments to the area size.

    • The adjustment buttons can be clicked once to make minor adjustments or clicked and held to repeat the selected adjustment until the mouse button is released.

    • A Show All checkbox was added to allow the display of all defined image areas. This is most useful in owner drawn image maps with no image as it gives you reference points for adjusting the image area being edited.

See Also

Other Resources