Additional Output Files

The following files are created in addition to the converted topic files and can be found in the destination folder after the conversion has completed.


This file contains the output from the conversion process. Refer to it to find any warnings and notes on To Do items that need attention.


The Sandcastle Help File Builder allows custom tags to appear in the additional content files that are resolved at build time into project property values. Since it is not allowable to place them directly in MAML topics, they are extracted and replaced with a token. The tags in the token file will be replaced at build time with their project values and BuildAssembler will replace the tokens in the topics with the resulting token value. If no replacement tags are found, the token file will not be created.


This file contains the content layout based on the converted topics. This can be added to a help file builder project (version or later) along with the converted files and folders and edited to set the layout of the topics in the compiled help file. If using some other documentation tool, you will need to import the topics and define their layout using whatever tools that it may provide.

The Media Folder

This folder will contain the media files (images) found during the conversion process. These files can be added to the help project.


This file is the media content file that contains the image IDs and alternate text values for images referenced in mediaLink elements in the converted topics. It can be added to the help project or imported depending on how your documentation tool makes use of such files.

See Also