Version 2019.4.14.0

Release notes for version 2019.4.14.0.


  • Updated the guided installer to detect the supported installed versions of Visual Studio and their installation locations rather than hard-coding the paths in the configuration file.

Sandcastle Tools

  • Fixed MRefBuilder so that it uses netstandard.dll as the system assembly for the core types if it is loaded.

  • Fixed MRefBuilder so that it doesn't use the incorrect assembly when using auto-redirection.

  • Fixed MRefBuilder so that it redirects mscorlib.dll to netstandard.dll when documenting a set of assemblies containing a mix of .NET Standard and full .NET Framework assemblies.

  • Merged changes from addabis to support C# 7.2 language features in the syntax generator components (ref return, in parameters, readonly structs, and ref structs).

Sandcastle Help File Builder

  • Fixed an issue with the package reference resolver that was causing it to miss many of the reference assemblies in package references.

  • Fixed handling of duplicate references and inclusion of System.Runtime.dll in the package reference resolver to fix related issues.

  • Updated the Visual Studio extension project templates to use unique descriptions and names so that they are discoverable in Visual Studio 2019 New Project dialog box.

  • Modified gathering of build output filenames to only scan subfolders for the web and markdown formats.

  • Added a BuildDateUtc replacement tag that gets the current build date/time in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) format.

  • Added support for referencing project variables in the Assembly Binding Redirection Plug-In configuration. Use the substitution tag format rather than the MSBuild variable format ({@MyAssemblyLatestVersion} rather than $(MyAssemblyLatestVersion)).

Presentation Styles

  • Fixed the markdown presentation style so that e-mail links in the footer are formatted correctly.

  • Merged changes from Christopher Watford to fix some issues in the Open XML presentation style.

See Also

Other Resources