Version 2024.2.18.0

Release notes for version 2024.2.18.0. See the prior version release notes for information on the breaking changes made to the presentation styles implementation.

Breaking Changes in This Release


If you have created custom build components, syntax generators, plug-ins, or presentation styles, you will need to rebuild them against the latest release of the help file builder NuGet packages.

  • The Microsoft Learn cross-reference resolver service used to generate links to the online .NET Framework API topics is being shut down. As such, this release replaces the resolver service with a code-based implementation that no longer requires an external service nor a persistent cache to store previously resolved URLs to online topics. The removal of the persistent cache also allows it to work with more recent versions of the dotnet build tool that use a version of .NET that disables binary serialization.

  • Added HasFooterContent and HasWebsiteAdContent properties to TopicTransformationCore to allow Build Assembler to indicate whether or not the current project contains those items. If not, the transformation is free to remove any related elements to preserve page formatting and layout.

  • A couple of new transformation arguments were added as noted below.

Build Tools

  • Fixed an issue with the MRefBuilder name matching.

  • Added support for .NET 7 static interface members.

  • Fixed the syntax for finalizers in the C# and managed C++ syntax generators.

  • Private protected nested types are now excluded unless including internals.

Sandcastle Help File Builder

  • Regenerated the .NET reflection data set to include .NET 8.0 members. Also regenerated the .NET Framework data set to correct a few minor issues with implemented member information.

  • Made BE0060 an error instead of a warning since the vast majority of the time the problem does cause invalid Help 1 (CHM) file output even if the build succeeds.

  • Disabled Go To Definition on name attribute values.

Presentation Styles

  • Added a ShowParametersOnAllMethods transformation argument to all presentation styles to allow showing parameters on all methods, not just overloads, on member list pages.

  • Added an AlwaysShowTopLevelAutoOutline transformation argument to the Default 2022 presentation style to allow always showing the top-level auto-outlines regardless of the display size.

  • Fixed all presentation styles so that they render a syntax section even if all syntax generators are disabled so that parameters, returns, and implements info is included in the topic.

  • Added '+' to the list of version number separators so that Git commit IDs can be removed from AssemblyInformationalVersion attribute values by specifying a fixed number of version number parts to include.

  • Fixed the auto-outline element so that it hides the default lead-in text as well.

See Also

Other Resources