Version 2022.12.30.0

Release notes for version 2022.12.30.0. See the prior version release notes for information on the breaking changes made to the presentation styles implementation.

Sandcastle Tools

  • Fixed BuildAssembler so that it sets the locale in the topic transformation to the selected project's language.

  • Fixed the spelling of the PresentationStyleSettings.TopicTransformation property name. Third-party components will need to be rebuilt against the latest version of the NuGet packages.

  • Updated the .NET Core/.NET Standard/.NET 5.0+ reflection data set to include .NET 7.0 assembly information.

  • Fixed framework comments inclusion so that if a target framework is not present (.NET 5.0 or later), it defaults to using the comments from the latest version that is available.

Presentation Styles

  • Fixed the section element handler so that it will render subsections even when the content element is missing or empty.

Sandcastle Help File Builder

  • Updated the package reference resolver to pick the most appropriate target and framework assets based on the specified target framework rather than just picking the first target asset.

  • Fixed handling of the TargetFramework property in documentation source projects if it is blank.

  • Added Tools\HelpLibraryManagerLauncher.exe to the help file builder NuGet package.

  • Changed the help file builder NuGet package build properties file to use BuildingInsideVisualStudio instead of an empty SHFBROOT value to determine when to define SHFBROOT for command line builds. Visual Studio and the standalone GUI will continue to use the installed version of the help file builder tools when building projects. Command line builds will use whatever version of the help file builder NuGet package is included in the project regardless of any locally installed version of the tools.

See Also

Other Resources